Green Tree Dental

Green Tree Dental

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18 services for Green Tree Dental

Dental Exams and Cleanings

Dental Exams and Cleanings

Cleanings and oral exam dental appointments are preventative treatments and are, therefore, important to your overall health. At every check-up with your dentist, we provide a comprehensive teeth cleaning and exam to make sure that your mouth is staying healthy. The goal is to prevent tooth decay or gum disease from starting, but if you already have these problems, then our goal is to stop the spread of decay or infection before it becomes harder to treat and more expensive for you. At a regular check-up, our dental team will clean your teeth by removing plaque, which causes cavities and gum (periodontal) diseases. Our practice also offers dental scaling for patients who have more intense plaque and tartar build-up on their teeth. We will floss and check in-between teeth to make sure there are no stow-away plaque build-ups in your mouth. Fluoride treatments will be applied to your mouth to fortify your teeth and further prevent cavities from forming.

If our dentists find any dental problems, we will provide an explanation of the problem and review treatment steps with you. Looking for an affordable dentist near you? To learn more or schedule a dental evaluation, please call Green Tree Dental today.

Emergency Dentist

Emergency Dentist

Who should you call when a dental emergency happens? Timing is one of the most critical factors that affects your recovery – which is why you need to have a same-day emergency dental office on speed dial.

At Green Tree Dental, we offer fast emergency dental care for the whole family. If you are experiencing dental pain, bleeding, injury, or swelling, then we encourage you to call our emergency dentist as soon as possible. These immediate services help you avoid further complications in your recovery.

Not only do we provide immediate relief for the pain, but we also provide restorative and cosmetic services to protect the appearance of your smile. Our team of dental health professionals offers full-service solutions to help maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

What to do When You Have a Tooth Emergency

The good news is that our emergency services are available to help with any type of tooth emergency you might experience. Common reasons why people call for emergency dental care include:

  • Chipped tooth
  • Broken tooth
  • Knocked out tooth
  • Lost filling
  • Lost dental crown
  • Toothache
  • Bleeding gums

Whenever there is a sudden or unexpected problem with your tooth or dental restoration, then you should call as soon as possible for a consultation with an emergency dentist. We’ll discuss your symptoms over the phone to determine the best course of action for an exam and treatment.

Keep in mind that seemingly small issues can lead to bigger problems if left untreated. For example, a chipped tooth can continue to break if you don’t visit the dentist to fill in the gap and reinforce the tooth with dental bonding.

Dental X-rays

Dental X-rays

If you’ve ever been to the dentist before, you have likely undergone x-ray radiation. Dental Xrays are a safe and comfortable way to maintain your overall oral health. X-rays are a necessary diagnostic tool that the dentists at Green Tree Dental use to see oral health problems before they are even visible to the naked eye. A teeth xray will help your Chicago dentist find and diagnose any problems you may have before they become more extensive, more problematic, and more expensive to treat.

X-rays can show the health of the roots of the teeth and the bone structure surrounding the teeth. The most common dental x-rays are called bite-wing x-rays. They show one area of the mouth at a time and give detailed information about the tooth from top to bone. Bite-wing x-rays are used by your dentist to view if there is decay growing between teeth, something that is hard to view. It also shows changes in bone density. Bone density can diminish as a result of gum diseases like gingivitis.

Do I Need Teeth Xray?

Every patient will likely need dental Xrays at some point. While some patients may require x-rays every six months, others with healthier mouths may only need it once every few years. If you are a new patient, your dentist may take x-rays to set the foundation for future care.

Children are more likely to have x-rays performed because their teeth are still growing. Cavities are more likely to form on these new teeth. It is also important to make sure their teeth are growing correctly, are not overcrowded, or have trouble erupting. Adult patients with existing dental problems are also more likely to get x-rayed at our Chicago dental office to make sure that issues are not spreading or becoming worse.

For the healthiest teeth, it is important to brush and floss twice a day to maintain good oral hygiene. Our dental team recommends lowering sugar intake, alcohol consumption, and not smoking to maintain your best oral health. We also recommend that you visit our office at least once every six months in order to receive the best preventative care. Call Green Tree Dental for more information about x-rays or to schedule an appointment now with an affordable dentist near you.

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

The chewing area of molars is a breeding ground for plaque and bacteria. At Green Tree Dental in Chicago, we offer dental sealants to protect teeth from cavity-forming bacteria, which could become trapped in the grooves of your back teeth. Our knowledgeable dental staff recommends that anyone can look into having a dental seal applied, since teeth of all ages can suffer from tooth decay.

Tooth decay and cavities could lead to tooth loss. By practicing good oral hygiene at home, you can minimize your risk of having tooth decay. However, sometimes, at-home care is not enough. Some people are more likely than others, due to genetics or other reasons, to have decay. A teeth sealant provides a thin, plastic barrier to protect your teeth.

Do I Need a Teeth Sealant?

Used for decades by dental professionals, sealants are applied like a thin coat of paint onto the teeth and then hardened using a special dental curing light. The chewing surfaces of molars and premolars, located in the back of your mouth, are full of fissures and ridges which make them particularly good areas for bacteria to hide. It is not easy to clean these teeth effectively with only a toothbrush, which is why it is important to get regular cleanings and consider getting a teeth sealant at Green Tree Dental.

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

If you have a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury, dental fillings may help to replace the damaged section of your tooth. At Green Tree Dental, located in Chicago, we recommend a cavity filling for patients who wish to prevent losing a tooth and safeguarding it against further damage. Traditional fillings were made of silver amalgam, a combination of metals held together by a small amount of mercury. However, patients today have a much larger range of options available to them in terms of materials.

Cavity Filling Materials

Silver and gold fillings are still used in many dental practices. Many metal fillings are used for back teeth since they are not as visible to others. Depending on the metal used, they are the more affordable option. The biggest complaint with metal fillings is that they are overly-visible, not aesthetically pleasing, and some contain trace amounts of mercury.

Composite resin fillings can be made to match the existing teeth in your mouth for a natural smile. They are a popular option for patients who wish to perfect their teeth with materials that are mercury-free and appear natural. On the downside, composite fillings do not last as long as metals, but they do last around a decade.

Laughing Gas Sedation

Laughing Gas Sedation

Many dentists choose to use sedation when it comes to helping their patients feel comfortable and pain-free during the process of their treatment. This is also true at Green Tree Dental in Chicago, Illinois. Laughing gas is easy to take and not at all harmful.

What Is Laughing Gas?

Laughing gas is a gas that is either odorless or sweet-smelling and has no color. It has been used in dental practices since the mid-1800s as an anesthetic, so it is nothing new. Laughing gas is the preferred method used to manage pain effectively during dental treatment. It is also used to help those who may have anxiety when it comes to their dental care, even if pain isn’t expected.

This does not put a patient to sleep in any capacity. In fact, the goal is to keep you awake while reducing anxiety. This way, you can still follow the instructions of your dentist as the procedure goes forward.

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Screening

Stay Ahead of the Scare of Oral Cancer

If you’ve spent time looking at our website, you know that we’re committed to providing patients with the best possible oral health procedures and practices available in Chicago. Part of that commitment includes preventative dentistry. And while this form of dental care is not new, there is a new reason for patients to take it more seriously than in past years.

Oral Cancer is on The Rise

There have been many studies in recent years that indicate the increase in oral cancer among all age groups. In the past, oral cancer was most commonly associated with older populations who used tobacco products, especially chewing tobacco. Then, in the not too distant past, it was noted that there is a direct correlation between individuals who’ve tested positive for the human papillomavirus (HPV) and an increase in oral cancer. And last, the use of vaping in recent years is also thought to contribute to the 4% rise in oral cancer according to the American Cancer Society.



Children’s Dentistry Services

We offer a comprehensive range of pediatric dentistry services, including:

    • Oral health counseling for parent and child, including demonstration of proper brushing and flossing techniques, and pacifier use, among others.
    • Fluoride treatments. These help to strengthen teeth enamel against decay and fracturing.
    • Dental sealants. Sealants are thin plastic or resin coatings that protect the fissures of the back teeth against bacteria, plaque, and decay.
    • Dental exams and cleanings. Getting a professional cleaning every once in a while can keep away plaque and tartar.
    • Dental x-rays
    • Root canal treatments
    • Extractions
    • Sedation dentistry, including laughing gas sedation for children

Our pediatric dentist in Chicago, IL, has many years of experience in providing dental treatment to young patients. Dr. Steve Lee will ensure that your child feels safe and relaxed before proceeding with any dental procedure. He’s also happy to answer all the questions that you and your child may have.

Root Canal

Root Canal

You’ve probably heard of a root canal and think of it as a notoriously painful dental procedure. The truth is that its purpose is to relieve pain and restore the health of a tooth. Green Tree Dental is experienced in performing this treatment safely and comfortably for patients in Chicago.

What is a Root Canal Filling?

A cavity forms in a tooth when plaque and food debris are not cleaned away properly. As a result, bacteria are allowed to collect on the tooth surfaces, releasing acids that eat away at the tooth enamel. Eventually, a hole forms in the tooth called a cavity. Usually, cavities are successfully treated with dental fillings, but when they are allowed to worsen, a filling will no longer be sufficient. When the damage threatens the pulp of a tooth (the soft core where the blood vessels and nerves are located), it must be removed to prevent an abscess from forming. Root canal therapy is the procedure used to remove the decay and fill the space back in to restore function to the tooth. This treatment may also be needed to restore a tooth that has become affected by an injury, such as a fracture or crack, or from repeated dental procedures that disturb the tissue.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions

If you have a tooth that is damaged or has a severe level of decay, you may need a tooth extraction. At Green Tree Dental, we always do our best to protect your natural teeth and preserve our patient’s smiles, but sometimes an extraction may be the best option for your oral health. If you think you may need a tooth removed, call us today to schedule a consultation at Green Tree Dental. We will happily evaluate the affected tooth and your overall dental health to determine the best treatment option for you and your smile.

Simple Tooth Removal

If you have a wisdom tooth that is fully erupted, or a tooth that is completely visible and relatively damage free that needs to be removed, then a simple extraction may be the recommended course of treatment. For a simple extraction, the affected tooth is gently loosened using an elevator, and then removed using a forceps.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

If your wisdom teeth or the third molars have trouble growing in because there isn’t enough room for them, they may need to be extracted. Impacted molars can be extremely painful, and the only way to deal with them is to have a wisdom teeth extraction.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that come in at the back of the mouth. There are four total: one that grows in on each side, on both the upper and lower mandibles. They usually erupt between the years of 17 to 25, but some people never develop them, while others have them grow in without any problems.

However, for many people, those third sets of molars don’t have room to grow in, or they may try to grow in at an angle. Impacted teeth are very painful, and it often requires surgery to extract them. One of our dentists at Green Tree Dental in Chicago, IL, will examine your teeth and, if necessary, refer you to an oral surgeon to pull those emerging teeth.

Dental implants

Dental implants

Natural-Looking Tooth Replacement from an Experienced Implant Dentist

One of the more complicated treatments in restorative and cosmetic dentistry is a dental implant procedure. That’s why it’s important to identify a dentist near you in Chicago like Green Tree Dental that has successfully performed the procedure countless times.

Dr. Lee and his staff have been helping patients achieve the smiles of their dreams with the experienced and expert care we provide in our comfortable Chicago dentist office — and we can do the same for you, too!

How Teeth Implants from Green Tree Dental Can Give You Back Your Confidence

Everyone wants to project their best image whenever possible. And when that desire includes having a captivating smile, there is little that will detract from it as quickly as a missing tooth. Instead of worrying whether or not people are noticing the gap in your teeth when you smile, why not consider a tooth implant?

The Tooth Implant Procedure May Take Several Months to Complete – But the Result Will Be Amazing

There are quicker ways than a dental implant procedure to replace a tooth that’s missing from your mouth. Some other options could include a dental bridge from a Chicago dentist or a partial denture. Both of these options are also available at Green Tree Dental. When you visit our office for a consultation and treatment plan, we will make sure that you’re made aware of every option, including the time frame and cost of the procedure, before you have to make any decisions about which might be best for you.

But one thing that’s important to note right now about a dental implant versus other options to replace missing teeth is the durability of the end result. While other treatments may be a little less expensive and require less of a time commitment from you, teeth implants are the most durable and natural-looking of all options.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Patients missing more than one tooth must consider tooth replacement solutions for good oral health. While many dental restorations are available, you may not be a candidate for some, and others might be beyond your means. It is necessary to determine which choice is best for you. One effective tooth replacement option is a dental bridge. A bridge at Green Tree Dental can replace lost teeth, help support facial structure, and alleviate stress on your bite.

What is a Tooth Bridge?

A natural looking bridge is a custom-made dental device that fills in the gaps left by lost teeth. With bridges from Green Tree Dental, you can replace missing teeth, fix bite problems, and restore your attractive appearance. The prosthetic can be made of porcelain, alloys, gold, or a mixture of materials, and is cemented to adjacent teeth. With proper oral hygiene practices, a bridge can function well for 10 or more years. This includes brushing, flossing every day and regular dentist visits. Professional teeth cleanings and routine oral health exams are just as important as daily oral care.

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

If you have a damaged tooth, you can get it restored with a dental crown. Crowns from Green Tree Dental in Chicago are made to restore teeth to their original size and shape so that you do not have any interference when chewing or doing other activities. Crowns are applied to your teeth permanently and are usually used on teeth that have been extensively damaged. They can go as far as the root surface, but most crowns only cover the cap of the tooth itself.

Crowns fully encase the tooth and can be made of various materials, including:

  • Ceramics
  • Gold
  • Resin
  • Porcelain
  • Porcelain fused with metal

When is a Tooth Crown Used?

A tooth crown can do several very important things. They protect teeth when they have been weakened, restore teeth that have been damaged, and prevent further damage from occurring. Crowns also support teeth when they have large fillings that compromise the structure of the tooth. Crowns can also be used to hold dental bridges in place, which bridge the gap caused by missing teeth.

Crowns are a very effective solution to repairing teeth that have been damaged, broken, misshapen, or cracked. They restore the shape, alignment, and appearance of teeth and restore your ability to chew without damaging teeth.

How Do Crowns Work?

The crown will sit on the damaged tooth, protecting what is underneath it. It is cemented onto the tooth, acting as the replacement cap for the top of your tooth. Crowns are made of very durable materials that can endure chewing just like the rest of your teeth, and they are meant to last for years. They essentially become your new tooth so that you do not damage your natural teeth underneath.

An affordable dentist near you at Green Tree Dental can apply a crown to your tooth if it has been injured or damaged in some way. Our crowns are made of the finest materials, so you will not have any issues with your crown breaking or cracking when chewing foods. You can schedule an appointment today to speak with one of our friendly staff members about your oral health.



Orthodontists Can Help Patients of All Ages Have Straighter Teeth

Although it’s most commonly thought of as a form of pediatric or teenage dentistry, the truth about modern orthodontics is that patients of all ages can achieve a straighter smile! And while an adult may not want to think about walking into a business meeting or any other important event with a mouth full of traditional braces, there is a way to straighten teeth without anyone noticing!

Advances Made in Dental Aligners Means You Now Have a Secret Weapon to a Straighter Smile

Do you think it’s too late to make minor straightening corrections to your teeth now that you’re an adult and don’t want to endure the discomfort – both physically and mentally – of traditional braces? If so, Green Tree Dental has some wonderful news!

With the advances made in modern dental aligners, such as Invisalign®️ which we offer in our Chicago dentist office, you can gently straighten your teeth without the embarrassment of metal wires or brackets.

That’s right — Invisalign®️ dental aligners are transparent! Not only do they fit invisibly over your teeth, but they can be removed for short periods throughout the day should you want to add insurance of an invisible dental treatment!

But even if you don’t remove them, the clear aligners will be virtually invisible to anyone who sees you. And in case you’re wondering, they will not interfere with your ability to speak clearly or pronounce certain words.

Partial Dentures

Partial Dentures

Are you missing one or more teeth, or do you need to have teeth extracted? At Green Tree Dental, we are proud to offer smile restorations for our patients that are missing one or more teeth, including both partial and complete dentures. If you don’t know which option to go with, feel free to schedule an appointment with our experienced team. We will examine your teeth and gums to determine the best personalized treatment plan for you.

Why Dentures?

If you have missing teeth, they can have an impact not only on your appearance and confidence, but also on your overall oral health. Once you have a missing tooth, you can experience bone loss in the mouth, which in turn can lead to damage of the neighboring teeth in your mouth. Because of the change in foundation of the jaw bone, you can experience misalignment, shifting teeth, or even further tooth loss. It’s important to treat missing teeth with a restoration to prevent these issues from occurring, maintaining your healthy and functional smile.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Reap the Rewards of Professional Tooth Whitening in Chicago

As a premier general and cosmetic dentist in Chicago, Green Tree Dental has helped countless patients enjoy the amazing benefits from a Zoom whitening appointment. And we’d love to help you receive the same rewards!

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments are More Beneficial Than Over-the-Counter Products

It’s easy to be inundated with teeth whitening and bleaching products when you visit the store or look on line for smile makeovers quick-fixes. But the problem with an over-the-counter whitening product – whether it’s a gel, a paste, or a wearable tray – is that the results will always take longer than what Zoom whitening from Green Tree Dental provides.

Want to See Up to Three Shades Brighter with Dental Bleaching?

No, we’re not teasing you. Our patients often see an improvement of up to three shades in brightness and whiteness after a single appointment. Results like that can take several months – if at all – to achieve with over-the-counter whitening and bleaching products. So, when you factor in the cost of re-purchasing store-bought products over and over again versus the one-and-done treatment that professional whitening provides, we’re sure you’ll agree it’s a definite time saver.



As your premier cosmetic dentist in Chicago, Green Tree Dental is here to help you improve the appearance of your teeth and create a youthful appearance with a smile that you love. You can complement your smile with the enhancement of Botox injections to really make your appearance shine.

No matter what cosmetic dental procedures you choose, from teeth whitening, to straightening your teeth with orthodontics or Invisalign, you can match the beauty of your smile to the rest of your face with Botox. Apart from achieving the look you want, Botox can also help to treat TMJ and other dental issues by relieving tension in your jaw and face. If you have questions about Botox, then be sure to give our office a call today to schedule a consultation!

Green Tree Dental information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Green Tree Dental, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Green Tree Dental, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Green Tree Dental. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Green Tree Dental. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.