Non surgical regenerative treatments for pain

Non surgical regenerative treatments for pain

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12 services for Non surgical regenerative treatments for pain

Knee Pain Treatments

Knee Pain Treatments

What is Knee pain?

One of the largest and most essential joints in the body is the knee joint and any sort of injury to this joint will cause utmost inconvenience. The knee joint is a complex assembly of bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Knee pain can be a result of damage to this joint either due to wear and tear or due to sudden impact.

Perhaps the most common cause of injury to the knee is participation in sports activities. Sports activities can place tremendous forces on the knee joint and while most of the time the knee can handle these forces, there are times when they can lead to injury. Some of the more common athletic and sports-related causes of knee pain include the following:

Sports injuries to the knee

One of the major reasons that cause knee injuries is injury sustained during sports related activities. Athletes who are passionate about playing their favourite sport are more prone to be affected by sports injuries to the knee. Knee pain is caused by the following:


    • Fractures


Severe knee pain can be caused by the fracture of Patella (knee cap) or the connecting thigh bone or shin bone. Most fractures occur due to a sudden high energy impact such as ball-hitting or high-altitude falls.


    • Dislocation


A physical injury that causes the bones in the knee to shift out of place is called a dislocation. Dislocation of bones can be caused by traumatic falls, twisting of the knee or high-impact collisions. These injuries are treated by resetting the bone physically.

Non-surgical Shoulder Pain Relief

Non-surgical Shoulder Pain Relief

A healthy shoulder is the most mobile and flexible joint in our bodies. We take for granted the many vital functions it performs for nearly all activities. That’s what makes shoulder pain so devastating. 

It’s not just actions like throwing and lifting that are impaired by shoulder joint pain: basic daily activities like bathing, dressing, and personal grooming can become agonizing. Severe shoulder pain makes walking, driving, or even riding a bicycle difficult. It limits not just your activities but your quality of life. And because so many essential tasks become challenging, chronic shoulder pain can also be terribly isolating.

Estimates suggest that two-thirds of Americans suffer severe shoulder pain or discomfort at some point. The causes can vary from direct injuries to overuse or degenerative conditions.

Elbow Pain

Elbow Pain

Elbows are essential for a wide range of activities, including throwing, lifting, pushing, and hugging. When people experience elbow pain, it becomes significantly more difficult to perform these simple tasks.

There is no single way to hurt an elbow. For instance, direct trauma can result in several kinds of injures, such as dislocation, fractures, strains, and sprains. Dislocations and fractures typically require an intense and sudden impact, like a fall or car accident. Strains and sprains are more common among athletes who repeatedly use their arms (such as basketball players, tennis players, baseball pitchers, and golfers).

Repeated use can also cause bursitis, which is an inflammation of fluid-filled sacs called bursae. Additionally, people may develop forms of tendonitis called tennis elbow or golfer's elbow. If the pain lasts for days or weeks, the odds are medication, rest, and ice will not be enough to treat the injuries adequately.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of chronic elbow pain. The elbow is a complex arrangement of muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, and bursae that work in unison to enable motion. If one portion sustains an injury, an individual can experience persistent discomfort.

Elbow pain is typically a result of overuse. That is why baseball pitchers, tennis players, boxers, and golfers are more susceptible than the average person to injury. Each athlete has to perform a repetitive motion, which can strain the joint. As a result, there are conditions known as "tennis elbow" and "golfer's elbow."

Athletic performance is not the only source of elbow pain, though. Some other causes include arthritis, olecranon bursitis, and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, dislocation or fracture can hamper the use of the elbow.

Minor strains and stresses call for ice and rest. The body will naturally restore itself, given enough time. However, some elbow injuries are too severe and require professional treatment.

When it comes to finding chronic elbow pain relief, QC Kinetix is one of the most trusted clinics. For years, we have assisted people suffering from athletic injuries and pain due to arthritic conditions. Our goal is to restore complete functionality to the elbow through regenerative medicine.

QC Kinetix offers several different treatment plans, based on the severity of the injury as well as a client's medical history and medication. Elbow pain relief is easily achieved with our alternative joint pain treatments. Schedule a free consultation to see what QC Kinetix can do for your elbow pain today.

Wrist Pain Relief

Wrist Pain Relief

Persistent wrist pain requires medical attention. A self-diagnosis can be challenging, and it might prevent someone from receiving proper care. Additionally, many of the causes of wrist pain have overlapping symptoms, which makes it even harder to determine the root cause.

Direct trauma is the most common cause of wrist pain. That can include a sudden impact, such as a steep fall or a car accident. Other causes are more subtle, such as repetitive use. Regularly hitting a tennis ball, playing the violin, or typing can result in the gradual degeneration of the wrist.

Other forms of wrist pain stem from degenerative medical conditions. For instance, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis will leave the wrist inflamed and tender to the touch. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage around the bone deteriorates, resulting in bone-on-bone rubbing. Rheumatoid arthritis involves the body's immune system attacking itself, including the tissue in the wrist.

There are other potential causes, too. These can include ganglion cysts and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, it is equally important to understand potential risk factors. People who play sports and perform repetitive tasks are disproportionately more likely to have wrist pain.

Regenerative Ankle Pain Treatments

Regenerative Ankle Pain Treatments

The ankle is the intersection of three joints: the talocrural, subtalar, and inferior tibiofibular joint. These components provide the motion and flexibility necessary to run or walk. An injury to this area, whether it's a tear or a strain, can cause intense ankle pain.

A sprain is the most common injury to the ankle. The damage typically occurs when people twist their foot out of its normal position. As a result, the ligaments stretch beyond their limit, and form microtears.

Ankle pain can also be severe. Just a small fracture to one of the bones will make putting pressure on the joint almost unbearable. The fibula is particularly vulnerable and more likely to break than the tibia. Other less common causes of ankle pain include arthritis, gout, degenerative muscle conditions, and infection.

Lower Back Pain Treatment and Relief

Lower Back Pain Treatment and Relief

Lower back pain is common and can range from an occasional annoyance to chronic impairment of your daily life. Some people with severe lower back pain struggle to complete everyday tasks like dressing and bathing.

Without proper care, even minor muscle strains can lead to pain and restrictions on your movement. And the pain from a significant injury can cause genuine misery. Fortunately, regenerative medicine now offers alternatives to surgery for your low back pain.

Hip Pain and Hip Replacement Alternatives

Hip Pain and Hip Replacement Alternatives

The hip is a powerful, hard-working joint in the human body. It is essential for standing, sitting, walking, lifting, and more. Unfortunately, with use, injury, and age, it can wear down, causing pain. This can range from occasional, mild discomfort to excruciating pain that can constrain your entire life. It doesn't just curtail cherished hobbies like golf or hiking — it can make dressing or standing unbearable.

Hip pain can result from direct trauma (like a sprain, fracture, or dislocation) or a chronic medical condition. Hip joint pain becomes more prevalent as cartilage wears out over time, so older people are more susceptible to hip injuries; roughly one in seven seniors report significant hip pain. Arthritis and osteoporosis are also common causes. Many older patients deal with degeneration of support structures around the hip, which weakens the joint, causing hip pain. 

Traditionally, remedies have involved anti-inflammatory or pain-relief medications. Physical therapy is a painful but productive option in many cases. Sometimes a corticosteroid injection can resolve hip pain. Otherwise, a cane or a walker has been the only remaining alternative to surgery for hip pain relief — until now. 

QC Kinetix regenerative medicine provides effective hip replacement alternatives that can help you reclaim your life and activity levels.

Arthritis Pain Relief Treatment

Arthritis Pain Relief Treatment

Arthritis is a chronic disease affecting the joints — the places where bone meets bone and movement occurs. The joints swell, becoming tender and inflamed, causing pain, stiffness, swelling, and impaired range of motion. While we generally associate arthritis with aging, people of all ages can suffer from the condition. Arthritis can compromise your favorite hobbies and activities, leaving you crippled by pain. 

Arthritis pain relief treatments range from hot compresses and other localized heat treatments to anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroids, and surgery. Most arthritis treatments alleviate or mask the pain, helping you to live with the debilitating condition. While surgery addresses the root cause of the pain to effect a repair, it also involves tremendous pain and some risk. 

QC Kinetics takes a different approach. Our non-surgical methods for treating arthritis go to the source of your pain, employing a variety of natural and biologic treatments to deliver genuine arthritis pain relief. 

Regenerative Medicine for Finger and Toe Joint Pain Treatment

Regenerative Medicine for Finger and Toe Joint Pain Treatment

The fingers and toes are highly complex. Their extraordinary flexibility and sensitivity allow us to paint, draw, play music, or throw a curveball. But fingers and toes are also vulnerable to tremendous pain, even from minor injuries.

Each digit is a complicated structure made up of bone, muscle, joints, tendons, blood vessels, and connective tissue. An injury to any one of these components can undercut the functionality of the entire finger or toe and often result in excruciating pain. Regenerative medicine is often employed to ease pain in these smallest joints of the body.

Regenerative Treatments for Foot & Hand Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Foot & Hand Pain

Pain in the extremities is, unfortunately, quite common. Millions of Americans deal with conditions ranging from sprains to arthritis pain. Much of the time, pain resolves itself with intentional inactivity. If the symptoms persist, though, it is essential to consult a medical provider about treatment.

Frequently, the pain manifests as a dull ache, which can transform into sharp jolts or tingling sensations. The severity of the pain will vary for each person, though it usually comes with inflammation and tenderness in the tendons. Some additional symptoms may include:

  • Cramps
  • Joint pain
  • Loss of sensation
  • Rash
  • Skin infections
  • Swelling
  • Twitching
  • Weakness

There is no single cause of hand or foot pain. Many times, direct injury or trauma will result in discomfort. It may also be subtle, such as overuse of a joint through repeated motions. Some of the potential causes include, but are not limited to: tendonitis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis.

One of the most common sources of foot pain is plantar fasciitis. This condition is a byproduct of a fascia strain, which is a thick band of tissue running on the bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciitis, like many of the conditions mentioned above, is treatable with the help of a good medical provider.

Tendon, Ligament, & Muscle Pain

Tendon, Ligament, & Muscle Pain

The tendons and ligaments are the connective tissues that allow motion. They serve as a stabilizing force for a wide range of actions while enabling proper posture and body position. When someone damages their tendons or ligaments, the injury can have a ripple effect through the rest of the body, leading to numerous other debilitating conditions.

Causes of Tendon, Ligament, and Muscle Pain

Direct trauma is the most common cause of injury. That can include everything from a steep fall to a car accident. People can also involuntarily jerk or twist their joints in an unnatural direction that results in sprains or strains.

Many musculoskeletal conditions are a result of overuse. This type of pain affects one-third of American adults and is among the most frequent work-related injuries. Extensive sitting, repetitive motions, and poor posture may cause conditions such as bursitis or tendonitis.

Regenerative Therapy Hair Loss Treatment

Regenerative Therapy Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss can result from hormonal changes, medication side effects, medical conditions, or heredity. It is chronic, progressive, and frustrating, and it affects women as well as men. Hair loss can occur as overall thinning of the hair, a widening bald spot, a sudden loosening of the hair, or several random balding patches. As varied as the causes and forms of hair loss, the effects are dismally consistent — it undermines your confidence and can leave you feeling anxious, angry, depressed, and embarrassed. Regenerative therapies can provide successful hair loss treatment without surgery and the complications or contraindications of prescription hair stimulation medications.

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