Playa Family Dentistry

Playa Family Dentistry

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13 services for Playa Family Dentistry

Composite Fillings

Composite Fillings

A composite filling is used to restore a tooth that has decayed. It is comprised of tooth-colored plastic and glass. Composite fillings cosmetically enhance the smile, as they closely resemble the natural color of your teeth and can reshape disfigured teeth.

The Advantages of Composite Fillings

The primary advantage of a composite filling is that it is aesthetically pleasing. Your dentist can blend shades to create a colour that mimics the colour of a natural tooth. The composite bonds to your tooth which will support the remaining tooth structure and prevent breakage. Composite fillings are an exceptional option for patients who would like their fillings to look natural. This type of filling can be used for both the front and back teeth.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Tooth loss can occur at any age for a variety of reasons including, dental injury, medical conditions, periodontal disease, or natural causes. Not only does a missing tooth create an unsightly gap but it can comprise your chewing, jaw, and the integrity of your smile. Dental bridges are used to fill the gap that forms when one or several teeth are missing. A replacement tooth will be used to fill the gap when the tooth or teeth are missing, restoring the tooth and creating a natural appearance. If you are looking for dental bridges near you, we offer dental bridges in Carrollwood.

Dental Bridge Options

There are a few options for dental bridges and your dentist will determine which type is best suited for your situation.

Traditional Bridges: Dentists use traditional bridges frequently. They are made from porcelain fused to metal or ceramics. They entail a crown and pontic.

Cantilever Bridges: A cantilever bridge is used if you only have adjacent teeth on one side of the absent tooth or teeth.

Maryland Bonded Bridges: This bridge type is also called resin-bonded bridges, made from porcelain or a metal framework to secure the false tooth in place. It offers a more conservative approach.

Dental Cleanings

Dental Cleanings

Can you remember the last time you scheduled a dental cleaning? Preventive dentistry is a vital factor in your oral health and overall health. At Playa Family Dentistry, we urge all our patients to schedule routine dental exams and cleanings. During these appointments, your dentist will evaluate your oral health and create an individualized treatment plan in the event you have an issue. Do you know many dental problems can easily be avoided with adequate preventive care? If you are looking for dental cleaning in Carrollwood, we offer dental cleaning near you.

Dental Exams

Biannual oral examinations are an essential component of preventive dentistry. When you schedule a routine dental exam. your dentist has the opportunity to assess your oral health, your risk of oral cancer, periodontal disease, and tooth decay. If any dental issues are detected, your dentist will treat them promptly before they advance. This will save you time and money on future treatments. You can expect the following from a typical oral exam:

  • Gum disease check
  • Cancer screening
  • X-rays
  • Assessment of previous restorations
  • Tooth decay check
Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

When the structure of your tooth weakens or is compromised, a crown is often required. All-porcelain crowns are recommended to our patients as they are natural-looking and prevent the enamel from breaking or cracking.

Porcelain Dental Crowns are Used to:

  • Replace a large or worn-out filling
  • Replace a cracked or leaking filling
  • Replace a metal filling
  • Replace an outdated or deteriorating crown
  • Restore a fractured or broken tooth
  • Conceal a discolored tooth
  • Cover/protect a dental implant
  • Cover/protect a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy
Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants protect against tooth decay in children and adolescents. These thin plastic coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth or molars. The molars have pits and grooves in them, these irregular surfaces often trap food and bacterial debris. Sealants coat the pits and grooves preventing bacteria from multiplying and causing decay.

Sealants are most beneficial for the first and second molars as soon as they have erupted and before they have had time to decay. Generally, the first molars come in around the age of six and the second molars appear around the age of twelve. Teeth that have matured are less prone to decay. Child and teenage patients between the ages of five and fourteen benefit the most from dental sealants.

Advanced Dental Technology

Advanced Dental Technology

Dental X-rays or radiographs are an essential diagnostic tool used by your dentist. X-rays allow your dentist to assess the health of your mouth. These images can reveal dental problems that cannot be seen by the human eye. This includes cavities, dental decay, impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts, and tumors. Your dentist will review your medical history and examine your mouth to determine whether or not X-rays are required. If you are looking to receive dental X-rays, we provide dental X-rays in Carrollwood.



Dentures are worn when patients are missing one or more teeth. There are a few denture types available, each of which are designed for the unique needs of patients. Your dentist will determine which type of denture is best suited for your situation during a consultation. If you are looking for dentures in Carrollwood, FL, we offer dentures near you.

Night Guards

Night Guards

A night guard is a thin, clear plastic appliance. When a night guard is worn, it absorbs the impact of teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism) throughout the night. Custom-made night guards are comfortable, will not obstruct your breathing, and are a preventive approach to many health complications. Looking for night guards near you? We offer night guards in Carrollwood , FL.

Benefits of Custom Night Guards

Custom night guards near you are offered at Playa Family Dentistry. They are ideal for patients who suffer from bruxism (unconscious teeth grinding and clenching). Night guards protect your teeth from damage and are superior to over-the-counter mouth guards as they offer optimal protection, comfort, and retention. If you have bruxism and do not obtain and actually wear a night guard, it will lead to excessive wear on your teeth over time. Other symptoms include:

  • Tooth pain
  • Premature loss of enamel
  • Fractured teeth
  • Yellowed teeth
  • Gum recession
  • Fatigued jaw muscles
  • Migraine headaches
Laughing Gas

Laughing Gas

Laughing Gas or more commonly known as laughing gas is administered to calm patients, allowing them to unwind during dental treatment(s). This form of sedative is not meant to induce sleep and the effects of Laughing Gas, quickly wear off. Patients can hear during the procedure being performed and will remain responsive. This sedative agent is inhaled through a small mask that is placed over your nose. You will be asked to breathe just as you normally would through your nose and in only a few short moments the effects of the Laughing Gas will transpire.

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment is an effective and safe treatment for teeth that have an infected or inflamed pulp. During root canal therapy, your dentist will remove the infected or injured pulp from inside of the tooth. Next, they will clean the canal, and once it is cleaned they will disinfect, shape, fill, and seal it with a material called gutta-percha. Your tooth is then sealed with a temporary or permanent filling which will prevent infections in the future. If you are looking to receive a root canal in Carrollwood, we provide root canal treatment near you.

Root canal therapy makes it possible to save your tooth from extraction, and prevents your other teeth from drifting out of place and causing jaw issues. Also, when you save a natural tooth, replacing it with an artificial tooth will not be required.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Is your smile not as bright and lustrous as it once was? At Playa Family Dentistry, we provide effective and efficient in-office teeth whitening to help you regain your confidence and obtain a whiter smile.

Everyday habits like drinking coffee, wine, smoking, and poor oral hygiene can cause stains to buildup on the enamel of your teeth and lead to discoloration. Professional in-office teeth whitening is a safe procedure that offers visible and longer-lasting results.

Children's Dentistry

Children's Dentistry

Good oral hygiene begins during infancy. No matter the aspect of your child’s dental health that you are hoping to address, it is crucial to start early and stay proactive. When it comes to dental health and oral development, ensuring your child’s primary teeth and permanent teeth are healthy has a significant effect. When your child visits Playa Family Dentistry, each member of our staff will strive to provide them with the most comfortable and positive dental experience possible. Why prolong their first visit? Schedule an appointment with our dental office today! Children dentistry near you can protect your little one’s precious teeth from infancy to adulthood.

Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal Treatment

An effective method to address gum disease before it advances is root planing and scaling. This is a procedure that cleans between your gums and teeth all the way to their roots. During periodontal treatment in Carrollwood, your dentist uses a local anesthetic which numbs (freezes) your gums and your teeth’ roots.

Your dentist or dental hygienist may use an ultrasonic tool for planing and scaling rather than a standard scraping tool to ensure your comfort. However, this tool is not required for all cleanings.

Additionally, antibiotic fibers may be placed into the pockets between your teeth and gums––which your dentist will remove one week later after your periodontal treatment in Carrollwood. This assists in expediting healing and preventing infection.

Playa Family Dentistry information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Playa Family Dentistry, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Playa Family Dentistry, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Playa Family Dentistry. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Playa Family Dentistry. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.