Smile Dental Group

Smile Dental Group

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27 services for Smile Dental Group

preventive dentistry

preventive dentistry

Routine preventive dental services like biannual checkups and cleanings are the bedrock to any long-term oral care routine. They are just as essential as brushing and flossing at home, if not more so. For one, they give Dr. Hong and his team a chance to remove any lingering plaque or tartar (which can only be removed by a professional) as well as confirm no underlying dental issues are present, such as cavities and gum disease.



In order to treat advanced stages of gum disease, scaling and root planing need to be performed. To remove plaque from the deep areas underneath the gums, an area that no toothbrush or traditional cleaning can address, we start by gently scaling the teeth using a dedicated dental instrument. Following this step, root planing is completed to smooth the tooth roots so they can reattach to the gums. Depending on the extent of your gum disease, you may need to complete follow-up deep cleanings after your gums have had time to heal.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Rather than using silver amalgam fillings to repair teeth damaged by decay, Dr. Hong opts for tooth-colored fillings. These fillings are made from composite resin, a material made from a combination of plastic and glass that can be easily color-matched and is entirely metal-free. One of the benefits of choosing tooth-colored fillings is their increased malleability, which makes it easier to shape them inside of teeth without removing healthy enamel in the process.



When missing one or more consecutive teeth, a dental bridge can work to fill gaps and prevent neighboring teeth from shifting out of place. The bridge is created from a series of crowns that are fused together. The crowns on either end are hollowed out, then placed on top of nearby teeth to hold them in place, similar to how single dental crowns function. In the center of the bridge are pontics (or crowns that are designed to fill gaps inside the mouth).

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Veneers are a great way to change the shape, size, and color of your teeth. Because they are so highly personalized, hiding imperfections while maintaining a smile that looks natural to those around you is simple and straightforward. Thanks to Dr. Hong’s expertise, who is highly skilled in performing cosmetic dental treatments, you can expect your future veneers to meet your exact specifications and withstand the test of time. With proper at-home care, your veneers can last at least 10 years!



The Invisalign system uses a series of clear aligners that are created using a digital impression technology. We start by performing an exam and scanning your teeth with the handheld scanner from iTero, then send these scans to Invisalign directly. After a few weeks, you can pick up your customized clear aligners and begin the realignment process. Simply wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day until you’ve completed every pair in your series. Once finished, you’ll be given a retainer to keep your newly shifted teeth in place going forward.

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Through the use of prescribed medications, oral conscious sedation works to address moderate to severe levels of anxiety that may be felt during dental appointments. Ideally, these sedatives are taken at least one hour before an appointment to ensure you are properly sedated enough to undergo your upcoming treatment comfortably. Since the effects are generally more noticeable than other sedation options, you will need to have a friend or family member drive you home to and from the smile studio for your safety.

General dental care

General dental care

General dental care focuses on disease prevention and is the cornerstone of lifelong dental health and wellness. Smile Dental Group offers comprehensive general dental services for the long-term maintenance of a healthy, stable smile. We welcome and treat patients of all ages and can meet all of your oral health needs under one roof. We have three offices in the Antelope Valley area and offer convenient office hours to accommodate your busy schedule.

Routine dental visits are the key to avoiding dental problems and provide the opportunity for your dentist to spot and address developing concerns in the early stage when conservative treatment options are effective. We recommend that all patients visit with us twice a year for routine general dental care and screening for signs of disease. At Smile Dental Group, we practice relationship dentistry and take the time to get to know patients as individuals. We educate them on their unique risk factors for disease and provide personalized care for their needs.

Dental Cleanings

Dental Cleanings

Regular dental cleanings are an integral part of maintaining optimal oral health. Dental cleanings are usually completed in conjunction with your biannual preventive care visit. For some patients, we may recommend more frequent dental cleanings if you are in poor dental health, susceptible to tooth decay, or have comprised gum health. Routine dental cleanings are important for both children and adults who want to achieve a healthier smile.

During a dental cleaning, one of our experienced dental hygienists will use special tools to carefully remove tartar and plaque buildup from the teeth and gum line. Daily brushing and flossing help keep the teeth cleaning, but dental cleanings help remove debris that at home tools cannot reach. Regular dental cleanings can help reduce the risk of:

  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay
  • Infection
  • Premature tooth loss

Our team at Smile Dental Group offer a full range of preventive dental care and general dental care services for patients of all ages. We offer age-appropriate dental care to meet the many needs of each of our patients.

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are typically placed to restore health to a damaged, decayed, or infected tooth. Patients of all ages can experience tooth decay, so it is essential they develop the proper habits to help reduce their risks. Children and teens are especially susceptible to decay because they may not have developed the practices needed to maintain a healthy smile.

Smile Dental Group is comprised of a team of family dentists who are dedicated to providing exceptional dental care to patients of all ages. Our team works with our patients on an individual basis to meet their unique dental needs. To learn more about our general dentistry services and how they can benefit your family, call (661) 947-9990 or request an appointment online.

emergency dentistry

emergency dentistry

Dental emergencies can strike anyone at any time. Knowing the appropriate steps to take in the event of a dental emergency can save you or your child time, money, and discomfort in the long run. Dental emergencies can stem from poor oral hygiene and may be a result of dental trauma. If you have experienced damage to the teeth, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Smile Dental Group is a full-service dental facility in Antelope Valley. Our team of highly trained, compassionate dentists is committed to helping patients receive the dental care they need to restore health to the smile. In the case of a dental emergency, please contact our office. We offer a full range of general, cosmetic and restorative dentistry services for patients of all ages. For patients with damaged restorations, our office is equipped with advanced dental technology, like CEREC, to help build custom restorations in a shorter amount of time.

laser dentistry

laser dentistry

Laser dentistry has revolutionized the field of dentistry. In many cases, dental lasers can be used to treat both hard and soft tissue areas with a higher rate of precision, lesser risk of error, and fewer side effects. The use of dental lasers often gives patients a wider range of minimally invasive dentistry treatments. It may even offer a less invasive, more effective solution to many common dental health issues.

Dental lasers use concentrated energy to penetrate through both soft and hard tissue, which helps reduce the risk of infection, swelling, and bleeding. Unlike other treatments, lasers help promote the body’s natural healing response, making it the ideal solution for a range of general, cosmetic, and restorative dental issues.



Are you looking for a way to protect your child’s teeth during contact sports?

You may want to consider a custom mouthguard; they are specially designed to protect the teeth and gums during contact sports or other physical activity. Wearing a mouthguard can reduce your child’s risk of the premature tooth loss and other dental emergencies. Most dental injuries that patients sustain during sports can be avoided with a custom fit mouthguard.

Smile Dental Group offers custom designed mouthguards for patients of all ages. We work closely with our pediatric patients to help them understand the importance of protecting their teeth and maintain proper dental health habits. Part of that education understands the appropriate use of a mouthguard. We aim to help our patients achieve a healthy smile through patients education and personalized treatment planning.



Smile Dental Group is your premier partner in your child’s oral health journey. We offer a full range of pediatric dentistry services that are tailored to meet the needs of our young patients. We take the time to help them learn more about their oral health and how to make the best decisions to help foster a healthy, happy smile. Our compassionate, trusted dentists and staff work with your child every step of the way to ensure their dental needs are met. Patient education is a great way to help your child understand their dental health and the importance of visiting the dentist. We take a personalized approach to each patient, which helps them feel more comfortable when visiting our deal office. By establishing healthy oral health habits are a young age, can help prepare your child on how to nurture their smile as the age.

Root Canal

Root Canal

A root canal is often recommended to avoid a tooth extraction. If a tooth is badly damaged, infected, or causing immense pain, a root canal may be necessary to preserve the integrity of the tooth. Some patients may experience tooth sensitivity, sharp shooting pain, or other complications, which may indicate the need for a root canal. Other patients may not experience any symptoms at all. Regular visits to the dentists allow our team to examine your teeth and check for signs of complex dental issues.

Our team at Smile Dental Group perform routine root canals in our dental office. We are a full-service dental facility, offering restorative dentistry treatment to patients of all ages. Our goal is to improve your oral health through personalized treatment planning.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions

A tooth extraction may be recommended for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons being:

  • Overcrowded tooth
  • Damaged tooth
  • Impacted tooth
  • A decayed tooth that cannot be saved

Smile Dental Group offers a wide range of general dentistry treatment, including tooth extractions. We work closely with our patients to ensure they fully understand their treatment options and what that treatment may entail. Tooth extractions are typically performed under local anesthetic. However, for patients with a dental fear or younger patients, we offer sedation options for your comfort.

Our team of dentists at Smile Dental Group works with patients of all ages to address their dental needs. Whether you are in need of wisdom teeth extraction, simple tooth extraction, or complex tooth extraction, we work with you every step of the way to ensure your needs are met.


TMJ Treatment

TMJ Treatment

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jaw bone to the skull. This joint gives your jaw the ability to move in different directions, allowing you to speak and chew comfortably and without pain. However, when the TMJ is damaged, patients can experience painful, uncomfortable symptoms that may interfere with their daily lives.

A damaged or misaligned TMJ can lead to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). There is no singular direct cause for TMD, but there are a variety of factors that may contribute to the development of TMD. For instance, patients who grind or clench their teeth may develop TMD because they are putting stress on their TMJ. Over time, teeth clenching and grinding can lead to a damaged TMJ, which may cause patients to experience jaw pain and other complications associated with TMD.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Achieve whiter teeth with professional teeth whitening in Palmdale and Lancaster, CA.

Some say the smile is one of the first things other people notice about you. Maintaining a beautiful, healthy-looking smile can improve your self-confidence and improve how others view you. Some patients have a naturally bright smile; other patients may need to undergo cosmetic treatment to achieve a brighter, whiter smile.

There are a variety of factors that can cause stained or discolored teeth. Factors like age, coffee, tea, wine, smoking, and certain foods can contribute to stained teeth; this can happen slowly over time, causing your smile to become dull and unsightly. Zoom! Whitening system is a revolutionary treatment that helps brighten dull, discolored, and stained teeth.

Smile Dental Group offers a full range of teeth whitening service to help you achieve your ideal smile. Zoom! Whitening system allows us to use professional grade bleaching agents to safely and effectively whiten your smile.



Tooth bonding is a quick, effective solution used to address a variety of cosmetic and restorative dental concerns. When a tooth is damaged, your dentist may recommend tooth bonding to help restore beauty and function to your smile. Bonding is an effective treatment for both adults and children who have sustained tooth damage. Common reasons for bonding can include:

  • Chipped or damaged teeth
  • Cracked or fractured teeth
  • Address gapped teeth
  • To repair cosmetic blemishes on the teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Decayed teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth

The bonding procedure can typically be completed in just one visit to our office. To some, tooth bonding is seen as the less expensive alternative to porcelain veneers. Although bonding can address some of the same dental concerns as veneers, they are often seen as a temporary solution, making them the ideal solution for young patients with growing teeth.

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a dynamic treatment that can be used to address a wide range of cosmetic, restorative, and general dentistry needs. A dental crown acts as a “cap” and can cover a large portion of tooth damage. They offer long-lasting, natural-looking solutions for patients dealing with a wide scope of dental concerns. Dental crowns can be used to address:

  • Restore damaged, chipped or cracked teeth
  • Cover discolored or stained teeth
  • Reshape misshapen teeth
  • Stabilize a tooth after a root canal
  • Used to support a dental bridge
  • Replace missing teeth in combination with a dental implant

Crowns are customized to fit the needs of our patients. They can be shaped, color matched, and sized to blend seamlessly with your existing smile. Once they are placed and secured, dental crowns can last a lifetime. It is imperative that patients practice oral hygiene habits and visit the dentist regularly to ensure their smile remains in optimal condition.



Do you want to dramatically improve the appearance of your smile?

Porcelain veneers are a customizable, natural-looking solution that can be used to address a range of cosmetic dentistry concerns.  Finding the ideal solution to address your cosmetic dental concerns can be a tough process. Our team works with our patients on an individual basis to find the most effective solution for their needs. In terms of cosmetic concerns, porcelain veneers can be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Veneers can be designed and crafted to address:

  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Mishappen or uneven teeth
  • Damaged or broken teeth
  • Chipped or fractured teeth
  • Mildly misaligned or crooked teeth

Porcelain veneers are designed with your unique goals and needs in mind. Our team can build a plan that effectively addresses your cosmetic concerns and get you one step closer to the smile of your dreams.



Achieving a beautiful, natural-looking smile can be done using a range of cosmetic dentistry treatments. One of the most popular procedures amongst patients is the Lumineers treatment.

Lumineers are a long-lasting solution to a variety of cosmetic dentistry concerns. Similar to porcelain veneers, Lumineers are intended to fit over the affected teeth, creating your ideal smile in no time. They are considerably thinner than traditional veneers and require little to no preparation of the natural teeth. This type of veneer leaves much of the natural tooth structure unchanged, which makes this the ideal option for patients who may want a more permanent solution in the future.

Lumineers can be used to address some the same issues traditional veneers can solve, including:

  • Worn down teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Mildly misaligned or crooked teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Discolored or stained teeth
Dental implants

Dental implants

Have you experienced tooth loss?

If the answer is yes, you may want to consider exploring your options for tooth replacement. Dental implants are a revolutionary tooth replacement option that offers patients natural looking, long lasting results. They are designed to replace the natural tooth root as well as the visible portion of the tooth, making it the complete solution for lost teeth.

Smile Dental Group offers comprehensive, complete care for the planning and placement of various types of dental implants. Our office is equipped with the latest in dental technology, allowing us to create a more precise and accurate treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs. From the treatment planning phase to the placement phase, our team works with every step of the way to ensure your restorative needs are met.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Traditionally, a dental bridge is used to “bridge the gap” when one or several teeth have been lost. Dental bridges can be removable or fixed; the type of bridge you receive will depend on the condition of your teeth, overall dental health, and preference. In most cases, dentists will recommend an implant-supported dental bridge because it offers several advantages over other tooth replacement options.

Benefits of An Implant Supported Bridge:

  • Preserves more of the natural teeth: Traditional dental bridges rely on adjacent teeth, which can compromise the health of the anchored teeth. Dental bridges fixed into place using dental implants rely on the dental implants for support instead of the neighboring teeth.
  • A secure solution for tooth loss: An implant-supported dental bridge gives patients the comfort of knowing their teeth are staying in place. Implants add much-needed support, which allows patients to smile confidently and securely.
  • Promotes bone regeneration: Dental implants help generate bone growth after tooth and bone density loss. Implants are the only tooth replacement that can help promote bone growth.

Smile Dental Group offers a range of tooth replacement options for patients missing one or several teeth. We offer full-service dental implants in our Antelope Valley dentist offices. If you would like to determine if a traditional dental bridge or implant secured dental bridge is right for you, contact one of our three office locations to schedule a consultation.

Dentures & Partials

Dentures & Partials

Missing teeth can have detrimental effects on your confidence as well as your oral health. Whether you are missing one or more teeth, it is imperative that you get them replaced. Patients who are missing full arch or a full mouth of teeth have more options than ever to restore their smile. Due to advancements in dental technology and treatment, today’s dentures offer a more natural looking, durable solution for lost teeth. Whether you are in need of a partial denture, full denture, cosmetic denture, or implant-secured denture, your options to replace your lost teeth are endless.

Types of Dentures:

  • Removable Dentures: Removable dentures are designed to adhere to the surfaces in the mouth. This replacement options requires daily maintenance and can be a temporary solution for missing teeth.
  • Implant-Secured Dentures: Implant dentures are secured into place using multiple dental implants. Dental implants secured restorations offer a  longer lasting, durable solutions for patients who are missing teeth. They are also the only restoration that can effectively address jaw bone deteriorations and encourage bone growth in the jaw.

Smile Dental Group are committed to providing personalized solutions that are designed to meet your unique dental needs and goals. We offer a full range of denture options to match your needs. We work with you on a one-on-one basis to determine whether a full, partial, cosmetic, or implant-secured denture is right for you.



Smile Dental Group offers comprehensive orthodontic care for patients of all ages in the Antelope Valley, which includes a full evaluation of the entire occlusal system. We look for any signs of dysfunction in the bite, teeth, and jaw, and build a personalized treatment plan for dependent on the needs of our patients. An individualized orthodontic plan can be implemented to address bite problems, malocclusion, and a variety of dental concerns affecting the development, function, and appearance of the natural teeth.

We offer a complete range of orthodontic services for children, teens, and adults in the comfort of our Antelope Valley dentist office. After a full assessment of you or your child’s needs, we can build a treatment plan tailored to meet your unique needs.

Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal Therapy

Achieve better gum health with personalized periodontal therapy in Antelope Valley.

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a progressive bacterial infection of the gum tissue and surrounding structure. This infection is one the most common dental concerns that patients develop. Gum disease stems from poor oral hygiene that leads to an increased plaque and tartar buildup around the gum line. When plaque and tartar are not properly removed, it can cause bacteria to fill up in pockets surrounding the teeth, causing the teeth and gums to weaken over time.

The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. During gingivitis, the infection is just beginning, and most patients can be treated using a conservative measure to help restore their gum health. As gingivitis progresses, it can develop into periodontitis. During periodontitis, patients develop a more aggressive form of gum disease that may lead to tooth loss and other complications if left untreated.

Finding the right treatment to improve your gum health and reduce your risk for further complications is key to maintaining optimal oral health. Smile Dental Group offer a full range of periodontal therapy treatment for patients in various stages of gum disease. Our team of highly trained trusted dentists exam your teeth, gums, and surrounding bone structure to determine which treatments best suits your dental needs. We build personalized solutions to restore your oral health.

Smile Dental Group information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Smile Dental Group, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Smile Dental Group, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Smile Dental Group. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Smile Dental Group. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.