Smiles by Rizzo

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20 services for Smiles by Rizzo



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What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry has been around for over 100 years, and has continued to evolve over the last 40 years as more options are made available to patients. In order to perform sedation, dentists are required to become accredited and complete additional training. However, its widespread acceptance and use has come about more slowly than medical sedation.

While it is common practice to be sedated by doctors for medical procedures, for some time there has been the misconception that routine dental work is not uncomfortable enough to justify the use of sedation. Fortunately, dental sedation is now used worldwide. It has proven to be a safe and effective option for a variety of patients and procedures.


Depending on the extent of the work being done and the needs of the individual patient, we offer three different methods of sedation:

  1. Oral Sedation (pill) – This is the lowest level of sedation we administer, usually for patients who are afraid of getting a shot, or are just anxious about having dental work done. Usually one pill is taken the night before to help the patient sleep, then another an hour prior to the dental appointment.
  2. Nitrous Oxide – Also known as inhalation sedation or “laughing gas,” this is one step up from the oral sedative. A mask is placed over the patient’s nose, and the flow level is adjusted by the dentist until the patient is comfortable. One advantage of this method is that as soon as the dental work is complete, the patient receives 100% oxygen and the feeling of sedation is gone within a few minutes.
  3. Intravenous Conscious Sedation (IV) – This type of sedation is ideal for patients with extreme anxiety when it comes to dental procedures, or for those who are having complex dental work that takes a longer period of time to complete. Although the patient is conscious, he or she remembers virtually nothing about the dental work being performed.
Dental implants

Dental implants

Dental implants are an advanced alternative to replacing lost teeth with dentures or bridges. Implants offer an aesthetically pleasing and durable result, creating the foundation for both fixed and removable replacement for missing teeth.

A dental implant is a titanium post that is embedded into the jaw to replace a missing tooth root. Through a process called osseointegration, it fuses to the bone to become a permanent part of your body. Once this has happened, an abutment can be attached, allowing your dentist to place a crown or secure dentures to it.

Implants require that you have sufficient bone mass to support them. This is usually determined with an x-ray or CT-scan, which is also used to determine the size and design of the implant you will need. In some cases, a bone graft can be performed to make dental implant placement possible.

Benefits of Dental Implants

In comparison to dental bridges or removable dentures, implants offer a range of advantages:

1. Appearance

Implants are designed to resemble the natural structure of the root of a tooth. Because it mimics the way teeth are naturally supported, it creates a realistic appearance for the restoration.

2. Slowing Bone Resorption

Without a tooth in place, the surrounding bone structure will begin to recede. Because an implant replaces the missing root, the speed of bone resorption is greatly reduced, providing protection and stability.

3. Improved Retention:

When used to hold dentures, implants offer increased security to keep them in place. There is no need for pastes or adhesives, making it more comfortable and easier to eat, talk, and smile throughout the day.

4. Improved Oral Health:

Dental bridges, or fixed dentures, require that surrounding teeth be prepared by removing healthy tooth structure in order to connect three or more teeth. This makes it more difficult to retain the natural teeth. Dentures can allow the gums and bone to deteriorate, which can also cause oral health concerns. As an implant is an independent structure, it does not negatively impact surrounding teeth and helps to support gum and bone structure.

5. Durability:

Dental implants are long lasting. Over the past 40 years, they have proven to be a reliable replacement for natural teeth. With proper care, they can last for the rest of your life. Dr. Rizzo is an experienced implant dentist serving patients in Carlstadt. For more information, please call our office to schedule your consultation.

Looking for a great implant dentist in Carlstadt? For more information please call our office to schedule your consultation.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Traditional porcelain veneers require the tooth to be “prepped” by shaving away a substantial amount of tooth enamel, and the process cannot be reversed. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE have taken cosmetic dentistry to the next level – the procedure is reversible, and there is no need to grind or shave the teeth. This is because LUMINEERS are about as thin as a contact lens, or roughly half the thickness of veneers. Although they are thin, LUMINEERS are incredibly strong and have been proven to last for over 20 years.

Another benefit of LUMINEERS is their versatility. They are used to remedy a number of cosmetic dental needs, including:

  •  Stains and discoloration
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Old crowns or bridgework

LUMINEERS offer a quick and painless way to permanently enhance your smile. In just two visits to your dentist you can have a whiter, healthier, natural-looking smile. During the first appointment your dentist will take a mold of your teeth, and together you will choose the desired shade of your LUMINEERS. On the second visit your dentist will place your LUMINEERS by bonding them to your existing teeth with a special curing light. Then, that is it! The results will speak for themselves.

Do you live in or around Carlstadt? Call today to schedule a consultation and transform your smile!



Removable Dentures Carlstadt, NJ

Though many advances have been made in the field of dentistry, loss of teeth is still an ongoing problem In the United States, 26% of adults between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-five have lost all of their teeth. Currently, there are a number of options available for people who have lost their teeth. One of the most versatile and affordable is a set of removable dentures.

Standard Full Dentures

Standard full dentures are ones that comprise a full set of upper and lower teeth. This type of denture uses suction to stay in place. They are made of a pliable material which makes suction easy. However, it is for this reason that standard full dentures require routine visits to the dentist. Being pliable, the dentures are susceptible to shrinkage, thus creating an ill-fitting prosthetic that will result in the atrophy of the jawbone.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are dentures that replace only a limited number of teeth, and not an entire set. Partial dentures are a single piece fitting that is supported by the remaining teeth and gums. They are much more secure than standard full dentures, and are more comfortable.

Cosmetic Dentures

Cosmetic Dentures, as you can imagine, are made to look as natural as possible. Unlike standard dentures that use a heat curing process which leads to dentures that become ill-fitting over time, cosmetic dentures are made from a special acrylic base that eliminates the possibility of the denture shrinking and warping.

Furthermore, some cosmetic dentures achieve a natural appearance through the use of implants. Implants are installed in the mouth so that the dentures have something to hold onto. The cosmetic denture will either rest on or snap onto the implant. What this does is allow the denture to stay in place without the chance of it moving around, which makes the denture more comfortable than a standard one.

The loss of teeth and some of the expensive treatment options available need not prevent you from continuing to lead a healthy and happy life. Removable dentures are a suitable course of treatment for many people. You deserve to give yourself the best treatment possible. If you live in or around Carlstadt and need a consultation for dentures, give us a call today.

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

Dental technology is always changing and evolving, and Carlstadt family dentist and cosmetic dentistDr. Rizzo, believes in staying ahead of the curve. Our office is equipped with revolutionary diagnostic equipment that paves the way for some of the most thorough and advanced screenings and treatments that have ever been made available.

What is included

Our Technology

We are proud to offer the following and more. Call our office for more information.



Orthodontics for Adults

Am I too old for braces?

Adults often question if they are candidates for orthodontics and the answer is a definitive yes; it is never too late to address neglected teeth that are in need of orthodontic treatment.

Crooked, misaligned teeth are more difficult to take care of and keep clean. With straight teeth, the results include healthier teeth with reduced chances of gum loss and decay. Also when the jaw is misaligned, teeth do not line up properly and can result in advanced wear of the tooth surfaces eventually leading to possible denture need. Straight teeth reduce or eliminate many additional oral health risks.

Insurance Participation

Insurance Participation

Here at Smiles by Rizzo, we believe that everyone is entitled to a healthy mouth. We want to work with our patients to ensure that oral care is within reach of anyone who needs it. For questions about the types of dental insurance we accept or our office payment options, please contact our payment coordinator during regular business hours.

We accept all dental healthcare plans, however we participate with the following:

For our patient’s convenience we have arranged a payment plan through Care Credit that helps our patients receive their treatment in a timely manner.



Invisalign is the clear way to straighten your teeth without braces. It’s a series of custom-made, removable, and virtually invisible aligners that gradually move your teeth into place. Each set has been designed for different types of teeth and they’re comfortable too. You can enjoy eating out at restaurants or even get a haircut with them on! It’s an effective, discreet, and comfortable way to straighten your teeth without wires or brackets. You can still eat what you love and drink through a straw – all while wearing Invisalign aligners. And unlike traditional braces, there are no painful tightening devices that need to be worn at night!


These translucent trays are worn for 20–22 hours a day in order to see results, but they’re easily removed for eating, brushing, flossing, or special occasions. Invisalign is a solid piece of plastic that actively moves your teeth to shape your mouth and jaw. Because they’re transparent, Invisalign aligners are practically invisible—no one will know you’re wearing them! This makes them a popular choice for people who want to improve their smiles without drawing attention to their braces.


Invisalign utilizes 3D imaging technology to generate a number of trays that help adjust misaligned teeth over time with gradual adjustments. These aligners are swapped out on a 2 week cycle. At Smiles by Rizzo, we provide regular consultations between the patient and our dental professionals to ensure that the process is going as intended! We provide the aligner treatment for Carlstadt, NJ residents.

Besides the main benefit of being a clear, near invisible alternative to braces that overall looks better than their metal alternative, Invisalign has many other benefits as well. For one, because they’re easily removable, you can indulge in whatever food or drink you fancy, as well as brush and floss your teeth without having to worry about brackets getting in the way! 


Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Do you want a brighter smile? You can get one with professional teeth whitening. It’s the fastest and most effective way to lighten your teeth, and it won’t damage your enamel like over-the-counter products. We offer in-office whitening that will work faster than at-home treatments, and we protect sensitive gums better too. And if you choose our professionally supervised treatment, we’ll make sure you know how to use the product safely so there’s no risk of side effects or tooth sensitivity. If you are looking for teeth whitening in Carlstadt, NJ, Smiles by Rizzo has you covered!

Teeth whitening is an easy and safe way to get that perfect smile. It’s also one of the most economical cosmetic dental procedures available. Depending on the whitening method you choose, results can be dramatic – in-office whitening, for example, can lighten teeth three to eight shades in an hour or two!

The Procedure

Here are some tips to help you make sure your whitening results last as long as possible. First of all, please maintain your usual, conscientious routine of brushing and flossing every day, and keep up with your regular schedule of professional cleanings at the dental office. Avoid foods and beverages that stain, including red wine, tea, and coffee. If you smoke, use your newly whitened teeth as another good reason to quit smoking!

With Smiles by Rizzo, we offer two different types of teeth whitening procedures so you can choose what’s best for your needs and budget. You can either opt for take-home trays or in-office treatments depending on which option works better for you! Whichever treatment option you choose, we guarantee that it will be safe and effective! And if after receiving treatment from us, there’s anything about our services that aren’t up to par – let us know right away so we can fix it immediately! That’s how confident we are in our abilities as dentists here at Smiles by Rizzo. We love seeing people leave happy after their visits so they come back again and again because they know they made the right choice when choosing us as their dental professionals. So don’t wait any longer – call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rizzo’s office now! 

Tray Bleaching or Take-Home Whitening

This professional whitening process uses custom-made trays and whitening gel to get your smile looking its best. Plus, the hydroxy radicals in the gel help break down any stains for a brighter, whiter smile. tray bleaching generally takes 10-14 days, but you may notice results in as little as three to five days. So why wait? Get started on your brighter future today!



Veneers can dramatically transform the appearance of your teeth, but many people find the benefits outweighed by the downsides. Traditional porcelain veneers require tooth enamel be shaved or ground down to make room for it to fit. Once enamel is gone, it cannot be replaced, making this process irreversible. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE offer an alternative method that requires no alteration to your natural teeth and can easily be reversed. LUMINEERS are only .3 mm thick, making them almost half as thick as traditional veneers, allowing them to fit without the need to shave or grind down your teeth. Despite being thin, they are known to be durable, sometimes lasting as long as 20 years.

LUMINEERS are highly versatile. They can be used to correct a wide range of cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Stains
  • Discoloration
  • Crooked teeth
  • A chipped tooth
  • Evidence of previous dental treatment

With LUMINEERS, you are only two dental visits away from fast and painless enhancements to your teeth. First, your dentist will take impressions and photos of your teeth, along with any other information needed by the dental lab. At this time, you will work together to choose the color of LUMINEERS that will best match your smile. On your second visit, the LUMINEERS will be placed and bonded to your teeth with a special curing light. Once this is done, you are ready to show the world your beautiful, customized smile.

If you live in Carlstadt or the surrounding area, Dr. Rizzo and his team can help you update your smile with revolutionary LUMINEERS technology. Call our office today to schedule a consultation to learn more about transforming your smile!



One of the most frequent and deadly types of cancer is oral cancer. Over the past fifty years, significant progress has been made in the area of diagnosing cancerous growths in most parts of the body such as the mammary glands and the prostate, but almost no progress had been been made in diagnosing oral cancer. This is significant because oral cancer is no less frequent than the previously mentioned cancers and the survival rate is an abysmal thirty percent. But help is on the way.

LED Dental has developed a device that has proven extremely effective in detecting oral cancer at its beginning stages. This device is known as the VELscope Vx. The VELscope VX uses a handpiece that shines a blue light into a patient’s oral cavity. Abnormal tissue growth appears as a dark spot, with the surrounding healthy tissue appearing fluorescent.

Previously, diagnosis of oral abnormalities was done by the unassisted eye of a dental professional. While this was the most effective way of diagnosing a patient’s condition, it was grossly ineffective in detecting oral cancer at its earliest stages. Without giving every patient who came into an office a biopsy, most patients with oral cancer were not diagnosed until the later stages of the disease when treatment options were limited and the rate of survival was significantly lower. However, now with the advent of VELscope VX, that inadequate detection process is a thing of the past.

The significance of the VELscope VX can not be underestimated. For the first time, dental professionals have a tool that is able to aid in a diagnosis in a way that has never been done before. That it does so in a non-invasive manner and painless manner is doubly noteworthy. And furthermore, the whole process is done within two minutes.

So innovative is the VELscope VX, that the World Health Organization has honored it as a medical device “which addresses global health concerns and which is likely to be accessible, appropriate and affordable for use in low-and-middle-income countries.”

Oral health is of the utmost importance. Being able to detect against potentially life threatening diseases such as oral cancer is the priority of every dental professional. That we now have a device that is able to do so at the earliest stages of the disease is having a tremendous impact not only on the dental community, but upon the world as well. It is time for everyone to take advantage of this life saving technology. You owe it to yourself.



We creating dental restorations such as crowns, inlays, and other dental restorations within a single visit. 




When considering tooth fillings, one of the options available are composite fillings which are made from durable plastics that are similar in color to natural teeth. Because the composite fillings are tooth-colored, they look more natural and are less noticeable compared to other types of fillings.

Another benefit of tooth-colored fillings is that they are compatible with sealants allowing your dentist to perform both procedures in a single sitting preventing further decay. There are other advantages to composite, tooth-colored fillings, most importantly the capability of bonding to tooth structure. Also in many cases they can be repaired by addition of more composite material.

Speak with one of our doctors to find out which kind of filling is best for you.

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are lab-made restorations that are placed on teeth when the cavity or lost tooth structure is too large to be restored by a simple filling. The process of making an inlay is very similar to a crown. After the tooth is prepared, it is cemented or bonded to the tooth.

There are different materials that inlays are made of, including gold, porcelain, and composite resins. Porcelain and composite inlays and onlays are cosmetic alternatives to fillings and are very strong compared to regular white fillings. Gold inlays and onlays are also suitable alternatives, but their appearance makes them less popular.

Your dentist will explain when an inlay or onlay is a viable treatment option for you. In general, inlays and onlays can replace most back teeth fillings and are sometimes cosmetically preferred over conventional fillings. At the same time, they are more conservative than crowns.

As far as cost is concerned, because the process of making an inlay or onlay is similar to a crown, its cost is also comparable. But when considering the longevity of inlays and onlays, they can end up costing less than traditional fillings.

TMJ Treatment

TMJ Treatment

The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the upper and lower jaw. This complex joint allows movement on three axes, making it one of the most flexible joints in your body. While the acronym “TMJ” refers specifically to the joint, some people use the term interchangeably with “TMD,” or temporomandibular joint disorder. TMD refers to a variety of complications and problems that can affect this joint.

Some of the most common complaints include:

  • Headache
  • Earache
  • Jaw pain
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth
  • Clicking or popping of the jaw
  • Muscle spasms
  • “Locked” jaw

TMD is caused by a variety of factors, including hormones, infection, disease, trauma, stress, genetic factors, and clenching or grinding the teeth. Determining the cause is essential in evaluating and treating the problem. Because there are many potential causes of TMD, the correct treatment must be tailored to your unique circumstances. Some of the most common treatment plans include alterations such as bite adjustments oral appliances such as bite guards and night guards, or medications such as pain relievers or muscle relaxants.

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the TMJ area, or show any of the other common symptoms of the disorder, please call our office immediately. Dr. Rizzo can help any patients who live in or around Carlstadt, no matter what the cause of the problem may be.

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

Sealants are thin layers of resin that are placed on the pits, fissures, and grooves of molars to prevent decay on these surfaces.

The majority of decay on back teeth starts in the grooves and pits of chewing surfaces, especially during the first few years after their eruption. Sealing these surfaces with composite resins prevents this kind of decay.

Sealants are one of the most effective methods of preventing decay on the surfaces where they are placed. Although it is still a possibility that decay may develop on surfaces in between teeth, sealants significantly reduce the overall chance of having cavities.



Removable Dentures Carlstadt, NJ

Though many advances have been made in the field of dentistry, loss of teeth is still an ongoing problem In the United States, 26% of adults between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-five have lost all of their teeth. Currently, there are a number of options available for people who have lost their teeth. One of the most versatile and affordable is a set of removable dentures.

Standard Full Dentures

Standard full dentures are ones that comprise a full set of upper and lower teeth. This type of denture uses suction to stay in place. They are made of a pliable material which makes suction easy. However, it is for this reason that standard full dentures require routine visits to the dentist. Being pliable, the dentures are susceptible to shrinkage, thus creating an ill-fitting prosthetic that will result in the atrophy of the jawbone.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are dentures that replace only a limited number of teeth, and not an entire set. Partial dentures are a single piece fitting that is supported by the remaining teeth and gums. They are much more secure than standard full dentures, and are more comfortable.

Cosmetic Dentures

Cosmetic Dentures, as you can imagine, are made to look as natural as possible. Unlike standard dentures that use a heat curing process which leads to dentures that become ill-fitting over time, cosmetic dentures are made from a special acrylic base that eliminates the possibility of the denture shrinking and warping.

Furthermore, some cosmetic dentures achieve a natural appearance through the use of implants. Implants are installed in the mouth so that the dentures have something to hold onto. The cosmetic denture will either rest on or snap onto the implant. What this does is allow the denture to stay in place without the chance of it moving around, which makes the denture more comfortable than a standard one.

The loss of teeth and some of the expensive treatment options available need not prevent you from continuing to lead a healthy and happy life. Removable dentures are a suitable course of treatment for many people. You deserve to give yourself the best treatment possible. If you live in or around Carlstadt and need a consultation for dentures, give us a call today.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Every tooth consists of three different layers. The outermost and hardest layer is enamel, and the second layer is dentin. The third is pulp, which is the cavernous space where the live tissue and nerve of each tooth is located.

If for any reason the pulp space is exposed to the outside, the tissue becomes contaminated and eventually infected. The exposure of pulp happens in many circumstances, such as when you have a large cavity or a fractured tooth. Your dentist can explain the exact reason for damage to this tissue. In these cases, the treatment is usually root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment is the process of going inside the pulp space and removing the infected, dead tissue. The space is then disinfected and sealed with special materials. Nowadays, root canal treatments are performed with advanced techniques and materials, making them far more comfortable and faster. After root canal treatment is complete, your restorative dentist in Carlstadt will usually place a crown on your tooth to safeguard against fracture.

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Who should use sedation dentistry?

It is no secret that most of us do not like going to the dentist. In fact, many people go years without even a check-up or cleaning. Some reasons for avoiding the dentist include:

  • Fear of needles, drills, or other dental instruments
  • Past traumatic dental experiences
  • Sensitive teeth and/or difficulty getting numb
  • Discomfort with the smells, noises, and tastes that accompany dental work

Fortunately, in this day and age these issues are no longer a reason to avoid the dentist. With sedation dentistry, patients are able to have a comfortable, anxiety-free experience while having their dental work performed.


Smiles by Rizzo information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Smiles by Rizzo, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Smiles by Rizzo, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Smiles by Rizzo. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Smiles by Rizzo. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.