Dr. Renae Thomas

Dr. Renae Thomas

Dr. Renae Thomas

Dr. Renae Thomas, MD, MPH, B-BMed (Nutrition and Exercise Physiology), is an Australian-born, Family, Preventive and Lifestyle Medicine Physician. She completed medical school in Australia at Monash University. Her residency in Family and Preventive Medicine, and Master’s of Public Health were completed at Loma Linda University. Her previous primary care clinic was at SACHs in San Bernardino. Renae served four years on the ACLM Trainee board, with two years as president. She has also completed an internship at True North Health Centre, and yoga teacher training in India. She is a published co-author on vegetarianism and cancer, and an ACLM and WIC-collaborated guide to healthy eating for less than $4 per day, as well as numerous online, print, and audio content collaborations. Renae’s research has been in clinical lifestyle medicine, and lifestyle medicine curriculum in medical education. She has presented at numerous conferences on evidence-based and clinically-relevant nutrition and health, both in the USA and internationally. Renae’s professional content largely focuses on evidence-based nutritional medicine for both physicians and patients. As a doctor, she strives to be a compassionate and understanding support system to patients, helping uncover the underlying issues, and working with them to achieve their greatest health and happiness.

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