Dr. Shivam Goyal

Dr. Shivam Goyal

Dr. Shivam Goyal

Dr Shivam’s Skin centre is an exclusive station for Skin and Hair Care solutions in Jaipur. We provide comprehensive hair & skin cosmetology solutions for men and women. Under the leadership of Dr Shivam Goyal, this centre is a technologically advanced cosmetology solution.

Our dermatologist & Cosmetologist, Dr Shivam Goyal, has completed his learnings in MD from the top medical centre in India with a specialization in Skin and Hair treatments. He has extensively worked in hair and skin disorders and solutions, including cosmetic treatments. A national-level award winner and author of many research papers, his dedication has always been his strength.

We believe in following treatments and solutions with personalization as it creates a trust factor between the doctor and patient hence giving them a long term result.   

Our services are divided into five categories for men and women; Hair, Lazer, Cosmetology, Dermatology and Make-up. Our ace services are backed up with the latest technology, thus giving personalized, technology encouraged treatments. 

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Address B26, CK Birla Hospital (RBH), Gopalpura Byepass, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302018, 7022540022, Jaipur,
Rajasthan 302033, India
Phone 7022540022