Sachi and Co Dentistry

Sachi and Co Dentistry

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8 services for Sachi and Co Dentistry

General Dentistry

General Dentistry

Comprehensive Evaluation / Oral Examination

An oral examination is a visual inspection of the mouth, head, and neck, performed to detect abnormalities.  Radiographs allow for a more complete examination, helping the doctor to detect cavities, problems in existing dental restorations, gum and bone recession or other abnormal conditions within the mouth, head and neck area.

Learn more about Dental Exams

A dental cleaning, also known as an oral prophylaxis, is the removal of dental plaque and tartar (calculus) from the teeth. Specialized instruments are used to gently remove these deposits without harming the teeth. First, an ultrasonic device that emits vibrations and is cooled by water is used to loosen larger pieces of tartar. Next, hand tools are used to manually remove smaller deposits and smooth the tooth surfaces. Once all the tooth surfaces have been cleaned of tartar and plaque, the teeth are polished.

Custom Mouth Guards

Many sports require athletes to use a mouth guard to protect their teeth while practicing and playing. Frequently used in contact sports, the mouth guard covers the gums and teeth to provide protection for lips, gums, teeth, and arches. A properly fitted mouth guard can reduce the severity of dental injuries.

Learn more about Custom Mouth Guards
Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical procedure used to treat gum disease. During the scaling process, specialized dental instruments are used to remove dental plaque and calculus from beneath the gums. Planing is the procedure used to smooth the tooth roots after the scaling process. Root planing helps the gums heal and reattach themselves to a cleaner and smoother root surface.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canals are most often necessary when decay has reached the nerve of the tooth or the tooth has become infected.  When root canal therapy is performed, infected or inflamed pulp is removed from the tooth chamber. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned and disinfected before being filled and sealed to limit the possibility of future infection.  Soon after the root canal is performed, the tooth is restored with a dental crown or filling to protect the tooth and restore normal tooth function.

Learn more about Root Canal Treatment

A tooth that can not be saved with restorative procedures may need to be removed. Before removal of the tooth, the area will be numbed with anesthesia. The tooth is loosened from the jawbone and surrounding ligaments and tissues with a gentle rocking motion. Once it is loose, it is gently removed. Stitches may be necessary after the removal of a tooth.

Learn more about Extractions


Pedodontics, or pediatric dentistry, refers to dentistry for children. It is important to take care of a child’s first teeth, their primary teeth, because they aid in speech development, allow food to be properly chewed, and maintain space for permanent teeth. It is also important to develop good lifelong dental habits early on.

Comprehensive Oral Evaluation / Digital Radiographs

An oral evaluation is recommended every six (6) months to prevent cavities and other dental problems. Dental X-rays are a valuable diagnostic tool used to identify decay, extra teeth, bone defects, tumors, cysts and check the progress of previous procedures.


Regular cleanings help keep gums healthy and teeth cavity-free. A dental cleaning includes removal of tartar and plaque and polishing of the teeth to remove stains and prevent further buildup of plaque.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are made of a safe resin material which is applied to the surfaces of teeth (commonly permanent molars) to prevent cavities. The sealant material fills in the crevices of a tooth and “seals” off the tooth from cavity-causing agents like food and plaque. The teeth are prepared for the sealant application and the sealant is painted directly onto the chewing surface of each tooth and then hardens. Sealants are applied in one visit.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a natural substance that helps strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Fluoride treatments are administered at this office as an important component of pediatric dental treatment. The fluoride is applied to the teeth in a gel, foam, or varnish form.

Mouth Guards

Custom-fitted mouth guards from your dentist are preferable to cheaper products available from a store. Many school athletic programs require participants to wear a mouth guard. Athletes who are wearing braces will particularly benefit from a custom-fitted mouthguard.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Sachi & Co. Dentistry provides restorative dental services in Torrance, CA. Call 310-530-9893 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

When a tooth is damaged or decayed, we use restorative dental treatments to restore their strength, function, health, and appearance. Our goal is to do everything we can to preserve your natural teeth, which is always the best possible outcome for your oral health.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Sachi & Co. Dentistry provides restorative dental services in Torrance, CA. Call 310-530-9893 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Cosmetic dentistry is one of our specialties. Although your oral health is always our top priority, we understand how important it is to have a smile you feel good about. We offer a wide range of aesthetic treatments using the latest in dental technology for optimal results.

Teeth Whitening

As we age, the enamel on our teeth begins to thin, making them appear more yellow than pearly white. If you’re a coffee, tea, or red wine drinker, this can also cause stains, as can tobacco use and certain medications. We offer in-office and at-home whitening treatments that allow you to safely achieve a brighter smile.

Learn more about Teeth Whitening

With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without the hassle of traditional metal braces. Invisalign aligners are made with clear, thin plastic instead of wires and brackets, so no one will ever guess that you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Learn more about Invisalign®

Porcelain veneers allow us to correct the appearance of a single tooth or give you a dramatic smile makeover. A thin layer of enamel is removed from your teeth, then custom-made porcelain shells are bonded directly to them. The results are dramatic while still looking completely natural—veneers are like your own teeth, only better.

Learn more about Veneers
Cosmetic Bonding

We use cosmetic bonding to correct minor imperfections like chips, stains, cracks, and gaps. A tooth-colored resin material is applied to your tooth and then carefully sculpted for a natural appearance that matches the size, shape, and color of your adjacent teeth.

Learn more about Cosmetic Bonding
Other Cosmetic Procedures

Some of the dental procedures we perform have both aesthetic and functional benefits. These include:

Dental implants

Dental implants

Sachi & Co. Dentistry provides dental implant services in Torrance, CA. Call 310-530-9893 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Dental implants are the best solution for missing teeth because they are the only option that addresses tooth loss both above and below the gum line. This means that with dental implants, your smile is restored, your bite is strengthened, and your overall oral health is improved.

At Sachi & Co., we have dental implant specialists in-house so you don’t need to go to multiple practices for your implant needs. We use the latest in technology and equipment for all of our surgeries, allowing us to treat even the most complex cases; many patients come to our practice to have implant failures from prior surgeries addressed.



Sachi & Co. Dentistry provides Invisalign services in Torrance, CA. Call 310-530-9893 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Invisalign is an advanced orthodontic system that uses a series of clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth instead of the traditional metal brackets and wires. Your aligners are created by our team specifically for you; most patients need between 20 and 30 sets of aligners and nine to 18 months of treatment. We provide a complimentary consultation for all prospective Invisalign patients, which includes a 3D rendering of your smile after treatment and a projected timeline.

Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, so your friends, classmates, and coworkers won’t even know you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Unlike braces, Invisalign is comfortable and convenient. Because you can remove your aligners, you can continue eating all of your favorite foods and keep your regular brushing and flossing routine.

Every two weeks, you’ll move to the next set of aligners in your treatment plan and your teeth will gradually and gently shift into place. Once treatment is complete, you’ll have the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted without the hassle of traditional metal braces.

Periodontal Procedures

Periodontal Procedures

Sachi & Co. Dentistry provides periodontal services in Torrance, CA. Call 310-530-9893 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

People often overlook their gums when it comes to oral health, but they’re just as important as your teeth. Gum disease can lead to infections, pain, bleeding, bad breath, root exposure, shifting teeth, and even tooth loss. We offer laser therapy and specialist periodontal care, along with both surgical and non-surgical treatment of gum disease.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sachi & Co. provides sleep apnea services in Torrance, CA. Call 310-530-9893 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Obstructive sleep apnea is often difficult to diagnose because many people don’t realize that they have it. Their only symptoms may be a persistent feeling of tiredness throughout the day—but they don’t realize this chronic exhaustion is caused by the fact that they’re not breathing properly while they sleep.

Patients with sleep apnea often snore loudly and stop breathing during sleep because soft tissues narrow or block the airways. When the airway is obstructed, patients are jolted out of sleep; even though they have no memory of this occurring, it can happen dozens and even hundreds of times a night, which adds up to never feeling well-rested or restored.

Sachi and Co Dentistry information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Sachi and Co Dentistry, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Sachi and Co Dentistry, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Sachi and Co Dentistry. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Sachi and Co Dentistry. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.